2 min read
How much security is enough? That’s a hard question to answer. You could spend $1 or $1M on security and still ask the same question. It’s a trick question; there is no correct answer. The better/correct question is how much risk are you willing to tolerate? Mind you, the answer to this question is a “beauty in the beholder” deal, and again there is no one correct answer.
The classic comeback from management when posed this question by the CISO is to debate what risk means, in a business context, of course. To answer this, consider the picture below.

This is your tax dollars at work. It comes from a NIST publication called “Small Business Information Security” and is available here. It presents a systematic method to first identify and thereafter mitigate the elements of risk to your business. To a small business owner, this may all be very well but can be overwhelming.
Did you know that you are not alone in tackling this problem? Our SIEMphonic program is specifically designed to provide co-management. We get that for a small business owner, it’s difficult to deploy, manage and use an effective combination of expertise and tools that provide early detection of targeted, advanced threats and insider threats. With SIEMphonic Enterprise Edition and SIEMphonic MDR Edition, we work together with you to analyze event data in real-time, then collect, store, investigate, and report on log data for incident response, forensics and regulatory compliance. Let us help you strengthen your security defenses, respond effectively, control costs and optimize your team’s capabilities through SIEMphonic.